[Fedora-livecd-list] livecd built from git on top of rawhide

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Sun Oct 7 20:37:24 UTC 2007

On Sat, 2007-10-06 at 20:31 -0600, Tim Wood wrote:
> I've converted a Fedora 8 test 2 system to rawhide, installed livecd- 
> creator from GIT
> * I'm still getting the no repository available to set up error

This is noise from yum... I really should sit down and kill the message
as it's confusing for a lot of hte yum API users.

> * I'm also getting a lot of python errors referring to /usr/lib/ 
> python2.5/site-packages/yum/__init__.py.

Haven't seen this...

> I'm using /usr/share/livecd-tools/livecd-fedora-minimal.ks as my  
> config with the selinux flag changed from enforcing to disabled.

Should work although I haven't done selinux disabled recently. 

> Questions that seem relevant that I can find any answers to:
> *) I've seen some allusions in my digging that using 'Fedora' as part  
> of the repo name causes problems because it wasn't disabled in yum.
> Does that mean going into /etc/yum... and setting enabled to 0 on all  
> the repos while running livecd-creator?
> Does it mean doing the same thing on just repos with similar naming
> Is livecd-creator supposed to grab the repository config from /etc/ 
> yum/something?

In the past it caused problems, it shouldn't anymore.  Repo configs
in /etc/yum.repos.d shouldn't have any bearing on the repos set up and
used by livecd-creator.

> *) What constitutes a valid repository?
> Should the path end with a slash?
> Should it point to the directory holding the repodata dir or  
> someplace else?

Exactly what you'd use as the baseurl line of a yum repo config.  If a
local file repository,
is what I use on my laptop with a local repo of rawhide.  That points to
the top-level of the tree; ie, repodata is one of the subdirectories of
that directory.  Similarly, you can point to an http or ftp repo.

> *) Is there a FAQ or other additional documentation?  If I was stupid  
> enough ;-) to voluntee sr, is there a need for someone to maintain  
> this stuff?

I think that before going the route of a FAQ, if there are gaps from the
README, addressing them there is the better answer.  Patches or
suggestions of gaps accepted.  I've been in the code too long now to be
able to always notice the things which should be there :-/

> *) Does someone have a working config file that uses a public repo  
> that they'd post?

I use the configs from the config/ dir unchanged for creating the actual
Fedora live images.  When doing testing on my laptop, I'll often use the
minimal config with the repo line changed to
  repo --name=devel --baseurl=file:///home/katzj/trees/rawhide/i386
and no other changes.


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