up2date: not very bright, is it?

Adrian Likins alikins at redhat.com
Wed Oct 8 02:09:51 UTC 2003

On Tue, Oct 07, 2003 at 09:19:52PM +0200, Sjoerd Mullender wrote:
> Elton Woo wrote:
> > I've just launched up2date to fetch stuff from the RHN beta channel.
> > Usually, I just "select all" ... and wer'e off! However, I had to
> > redo my selections because the "new" and "old" versions are the
> > same.
> > 
> > You'd think that if up2date found that if it found that both versions
> > were the _same_ it would automatically skip the selected package(s)
> > wouldn't /shouldn't it? ... or should I enter this as an RFE?
> I've noticed this a few times myself too.  I found out that I had two 
> versions of the same package installed.  After managing to delete the 
> older version whilst making sure the files from the newer didn't get 
> deleted all was well with up2date.
	up2date version? it's not supposed to do that. `rpm -qa`
of a before would help, if you've got it. It's supposed
to check all the installed versions to see if the newest one
is new enough (big issue with kernels, in particular...).


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