Daylight savings time missed by test3

Lorenzo Prince lorenzo at
Sun Oct 26 16:58:46 UTC 2003

Mike A. Harris staggered into view and mumbled:
> No, I'm not sure why the poster suggested using Red Hat's NTP 
> server as daylight savings time adjustment is a completely 
> separate issue as to wether or not you use NTP.

I think the reasoning behind using ntp is that in the case of the earlier poster whose laptop wasn't on and it changed 
from mdt to mst but didn't set the clock back, the ntp sync will fix this.  I think there is a problem that arises when 
a computer is turned off during the swich to/from DST and the hardware clock is set to localtime.  It has something to 
do with the conversion from UTC.  When the hardware clock is set to localtime the system automatically assumes it is set 
correctly, because it has no way to know otherwise.  When the hardware clock is set to UTC the system simply does the 
conversion from UTC to localtime and will take into account the daylight savings time status every time it cauculates 
the local time at bootup.


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