problem: NFS Hangs - selinux

Tim Waugh twaugh at
Thu Apr 15 08:26:56 UTC 2004

On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 07:37:07PM -0400, TGS wrote:

> On all the machines that we have the latest on, we basically cannot use the
> machines since NFS hangs. I read elsewhere on a post that this most likely
> due to selinux. Now we have both the selinux=0 for the kernel and
> /etc/sysconfig/selinux set with SELINUX=disabled, but it still hangs.
> What do I need to do to have NFS work correctly? 

I have had success with NFS + SELinux when I start NFS in permissive
mode (i.e. after 'setenforce 0').  Enforcing mode causes the rpc.*
processes to busy loop, for me, although things seem to go okay for a
while (and then fail with I/O errors).

setenforce 0
service nfs start


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