FC up2date with development/

P.I.Julius julius at solutions-i.org
Thu Apr 1 00:38:41 UTC 2004

Hello All,

I know that a question similar to this has been asked on this list, but
i want to be sure that i understand it correctly.

If i install FC2-test1 on my box and i point my yum to the development

name=Fedora Core $releasever - Development Tree

and i upgrade all packages from the development tree it is enough to
have FC2-test2 installed or i should download the FC2-test2 to have the
all new packages? 

Or simply, it is enough if i update my release always from the
development tree to have the latest release/test release installed on my
box? or i should download the released isos every time and then upgrade
to the development tree to have the latest and newest packages?

Thanks a lot,

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