firefox uses helix player to open rpm downloads

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Tue Oct 5 13:56:32 UTC 2004

On Tue, 05 Oct 2004 00:01:28 -0400, Lee Connell <lee_connell at> wrote:
> Today when i clicked on the ati rpm driver from using firefox it
> launched the helix player and then closed it, did not download at all.  I
> had to tell it to save link as....   Anyone else having this issue?  I am
> completely up2date with all packages.

I can confirm that this happens to me with the site.

But I can't easily find any othersite with rpm packages that does
causes this to happen.
For example the rpm links at do not
cause helix to start. So the question is, is ati's site doing
something to suggest the wrong mime-type?
You might need to inform ati to reconfigure their server.


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