Why are software raid devices being renamed?

Alexandre Oliva aoliva at redhat.com
Wed Dec 21 19:35:41 UTC 2005

On Dec 20, 2005, Peter Jones <pjones at redhat.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 11:48 -0500, Clyde E. Kunkel wrote:
>> Since about mkinitrd-5.0.11, software raidsets are being created in /dev 
>> during initrd with the name /dev/md_dn where n is the number of the 
>> raidset instead of /dev/mdn.  This is causing all sorts of problems from 
>> the worst being kernel panics and the least being raidsets not being 
>> mounted in fstab.

> You're still the *only* person I've seen reporting this.

Not true.  It's even been a while since I narrowed the problem I've
got myself on 5 different boxes to some change in nash.

Alexandre Oliva         http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   aoliva@{redhat.com, gcc.gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist  oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}

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