f-spot fails to start.

Demond James maestronn at wowway.com
Thu Feb 23 14:40:06 UTC 2006

 Is anyone else encountering this on x86_64 arch?

$ f-spot &
[1] 13420
$ Starting new FSpot server

Unhandled Exception: Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteSyntaxException: file 
is encrypted or is not a database
in <0x00181> Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand:GetNextStatement 
(IntPtr pzStart, System.IntPtr pzTail, System.IntPtr pStmt)
in <0x000a2> Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand:ExecuteReader 
(CommandBehavior behavior, Boolean want_results, System.Int32 rows_affected)
in <0x00022> Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand:ExecuteNonQuery ()
in <0x0006c> MetaStore:CreateTable ()
in <0x000e1> MetaStore:.ctor (Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection 
connection, Boolean is_new)
in <0x000f8> Db:Init (System.String path, Boolean create_if_missing)
in <0x000c3> FSpot.Core:.ctor ()
in <0x00344> Driver:Main (System.String[] args)


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