libcrypto and yum problems

Leszek Matok Lam at
Wed Dec 12 07:51:26 UTC 2007

Dnia 2007-12-11, o godz. 22:46:40 "Robert M. Albrecht" <romal at>

> yum --skip-broken loops and does not get this error skipped. Is this a 
> known bug ? How to report this, as there is no dump or error message.
Well, Seth will tell you that you need to use BZ, but many have tried before
you. You are either stuck with using yum install/update on individual
packages, or yum --exclude, or... yum install apt and never look back. Not
only is it faster by two factors, it also doesn't have any problem with broken
deps (see the difference between "upgrade" and "dist-upgrade", then try
apt-shell and play with "keep" command if it tries to remove or
upgrade too much).

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