Add Remove Software

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Tue Apr 29 08:37:54 UTC 2008

James J Catchpole wrote:
>    I am unable to figure out how to queue up updates. that
>    should be the default in any case.

[Please stop using html mail. A yellow background is just obnoxious]

It is the default. Clicking on a package to install it queues it without 
blocking the UI and you can click on the next package to queue it.

>    Well, its not granular enough; I should be
>    able to choose what I want to see at the
>    package level, not the category, perhaps
>    with radial buttons.

File a bug report.

>     I see no reason why this is necessary. The combination
>     of the YUM Return Codes and a section of the panel
>     that lists events should be enough. 

You have to figure out how to display it within the user interface 
regardless of the implementation details. Again, if you got better 
ideas, file bug reports.


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