Kdump on Fedora

Wes Shull wes.shull at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 05:08:57 UTC 2008

On Jan 1, 2008 1:58 AM, Mohammed Omar <omar at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:

> Does Fedora supports kdump ? (especially F8)

Straight of out the release notes (
http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f8/en_US/sn-Kernel.html ):

<< x86 Kernel Includes Kdump

Both the x86_64 and the i686 kernels are now relocatable, so they no
longer require a separate kernel for kdump capability. PPC64 still
requires a separate kdump kernel. >>

So I guess that's a yes, with even less installing than before.  Note
I haven't actually used this capability myself, so I'm not sure what
else is involved.


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