[Fedora-xen] Is pci-pasthrough enabled for F9 DomU?

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Wed May 14 18:59:59 UTC 2008

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 11:58:21AM -0700, snowcrash+xen at gmail.com wrote:
> > Sadly that's life with Xen.  Upstream Xen has basically stopped all kernel
> > development leaving 'official' Xen kernels stuck on 2.6.28 which is
> > essentially useless for any modern distro. We had the choice between trying
> > to finish off the paravirt_ops port, or dropping Xen entirely :-(
> not criticising the choice (well, much anyway ;-) ) ...
> rather, just hunting for options that work -- if even for the short(ish) term
> p.s. 2.6.28 a typo? that's 2.6.18, no?

Yes, 2.6.18

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