[linux-lvm] ExChange of Harddisks

Arne Klöcker a.kloecker at gmx.net
Wed Aug 30 14:22:25 UTC 2000


i want to change my actual Setup (1 IDE Disk, 3 SCSI Disks, 1 Logical
Device which has 1 FS => This is used as one big volume for a private
fileserver). The Remianing Space on the SCSI Disks should be enough to hold the Data
from the IDE Disk.

Now i want to exchange the IDE Disk with a bigger SCSI Disk. 

I dont really know how to do this.

I added 1 of the SCSI Disks after installing the LVM so i generally know
how to change the size of the ext2fs (i dont remember which tool i installed
for this.. ) but tips are appreciated...

Scanning the archive i stumbled over an article where vgreduce was
mentioned, could i use this tool too, or is it just for emty PVs ?

Im kind of stuck and any help is apreciated...

Arne Klöcker

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