[linux-lvm] Symbol not found when pvcreating...

David Vidal Rodriguez vidalrod at informatik.tu-muenchen.de
Mon May 28 11:21:48 UTC 2001

> > Another --developer-- question:
> > I've looked at the LVM code and a structure called partition, #include'd
> > from <linux/genhd.h>, which contains the relevant information of a
> > partition. What I don't understand is how to get this information from
> > the kernel/drive (syscall, ioctl???). I'd be glad if somebody explained
> > that to me briefly.
> That's just needed for the generic disk interface.
> It doesn't make any sense to create a partition table on a logical volume.

What I meant is how to get the partition data, such as partition id, start, end,
etc.,  from a _real_ partition (you have get it in order to know if we are
initializing a PV on a partition marked as 0x8E). That sounds a bit off-topic, I

 David Vidal R. (vidalrod <at> in DOT tum DOT de)
 "Ein Computer ohne Windows ist wie ein Fisch ohne Fahrrad."

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