[linux-lvm] RAID1/LVM lost my volume group

Chris Hamilton cchamilt at eecs.umich.edu
Mon Mar 4 11:22:05 UTC 2002

Hi, I have 4 drives set up as 2 RAID1s with a striped LVM across them.  

After rebooting a few times vgscan and vgchange have stopped finding my 
volume group.
The pv* tools confirm that the physical volumes are still intact. 
 Everytime I try to call
vgcfgrestore or really any vg tool, they segfault if I specify the group.

I have been using 2.4.19-pre1-ac1, 2.4.19-pre2-ac2 on a glibc 2.2.4 
system with lvm 1.03.
The filesystem is (was) ext3.  Is there any way to get this recovered? 
 Why could it have happened?

If I do have to start from zero, is there a recommended RAID 10-like 
configuration for LVM I can use?  My goal is to have 10 reliability and 
snapshots for backup.

Chris Hamilton

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