[linux-lvm] Copying LVM from one system to another

Ming Zhang mingz at ele.uri.edu
Tue Jul 11 18:10:18 UTC 2006

yes, you are right for migrating the content from one disk to another

but in his case, he want to migrate to another system, with same cpu,
ram, disk,...

that is why i think clone is ok.


On Tue, 2006-07-11 at 19:48 +0200, Dieter Stüken wrote:
> Ming Zhang wrote:
> > if HW is the same, why not use ghost or alike software to do a clone?
> Don't "clone" the LVM PVs if you ever want to connect both disks simultaneously.
> For normal partitions this is fine, as those are identified by the device
> name. So you can easily distinguish /dev/hda1 from /dev/hdc1.
> LVM however identifies the different VG/LV/PV by its content, regardless of
> where the disks are connected. If you connect your LVM disk to a different
> cable or controller, don't worry, it will be found automatically. If two disks,
> however, look exactly the same, LVM gets confused. 
> Instead you should connect both disk:
> arrange booting from <newdisk>,
> lvm from <olddisk> should still work, even if connected differently.
> pvcreate <new disk>
> vgextend <new disk>
> pvmove <olddisk>
> vgreduce <olddisk>
> to migrate all LVM content to the new disk.
> Dieter.

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