[linux-lvm] Failed PV recovery

Lamont R. Peterson peregrine at openbrainstem.net
Mon Jul 24 17:59:28 UTC 2006

On Monday 24 July 2006 06:19am, Dieter Stüken wrote:
> Lamont R. Peterson wrote:
> > 4.  Are there better ways I could have handled this (other than the
> > obvious like RAID to start with, etc.)?
> Hi Lamont,
> I strongly suggest to use: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/
> to monitor all disks. In most cases you get warnings about
> problems with your disks weeks before they fail completely.

Thanks :), I'll check it out.  Since my home file server is now growing, 
that's just the kind of monitoring I want for the future.

> > A few months ago, I started seeing some unreadable sectors on the 45GB
> > drive.
> ... but you have to take it seriously :-)

Absolutely; and I did take the indications seriously.  Unfortunately, the 
accounting department (a.k.a. my wife & my bank account) couldn't help me out 
fast enough.

Of course, the good news is that she now knows first hand (well 1.5 hand, I 
guess) what it's like to have a disk go bad with data on it.  That should 
help me get parts faster in the future :) .
Lamont R. Peterson <peregrine at OpenBrainstem.net>
Founder [ http://blog.OpenBrainstem.net/peregrine/ ]
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