[linux-lvm] leaked on lvcreate invocation.

iCy-fLaME icy.flame.gm at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 15:04:32 UTC 2009


I have the following sql script to create a snapshot volume for backup purpose:

######### snapshot.sql #########
flush tables;
flush tables with read lock;
flush logs;
system lvcreate --snapshot --size=10G --name=sn_www /dev/lvg00/pwww;
system lvcreate --snapshot --size=10G --name=sn_db /dev/lvg00/pdb;
unlock tables;
######### EOF #########

and this sql script is started in a shell script by:

mysql < /home/root/snapshot.sql

I get this warning? error? message:

File descriptor 3 (socket:[1023997]) leaked on lvcreate invocation.
Parent PID 2850: mysql
File descriptor 3 (socket:[1023997]) leaked on lvcreate invocation.
Parent PID 2850: mysql

I have little idea what it means, should I be concerned?

Thanks for the helps!


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