[linux-lvm] LVM mirroring or mdadm

malahal at us.ibm.com malahal at us.ibm.com
Mon Jul 13 17:06:49 UTC 2009

Imobach Gonz?lez Sosa [imobachgs at banot.net] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've got a pair of identical Seagate disks on a server and I'm considering 
> using a software RAID (RAID1). I was thinking of setting up LVM on a mdadm 
> RAID, but I've read that LVM has support itself for mirroring.
> So, what is the better approach? Using LVM mirroring capabilities or putting 
> the LVM on a mdadm RAID 1?

LVM on mdadm RAID1 is more stable than LVM's own mirroring at the


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