[linux-lvm] vg availability during boot

Eugene Vilensky evilensky at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 13:27:18 UTC 2009


I have a host that refuses to recognize my san-attached logical
volumes during boot.  When mounting from /etc/fstab, it drops out of
boot complaining that the LVs in question have an invalid superblock
and need to be fsck-ed, however because the lv is "mounted" the fsck
cannot proceed.

I commented out the entries, rebooted, and noticed that the LVs in the
VG in question are "NOT AVAILABLE."  A vgchange -a y vgname later and
everything is working perfectly.

This is my first RHEL5 san-attached host; might I have missed some
sort of 'vg persistency' settings by doing the same things I've been
doing on RHEL4?


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