[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH server] missing ovirt wui validations

Scott Seago sseago at redhat.com
Thu Dec 11 20:42:59 UTC 2008

Mohammed Morsi wrote:
> This patch now contains all the validations and relevant
> fixes to the test suite. Additional tests asserting the
> new validations has not been written yet.
> Attached is additional validations, added to the rails model
> and controller layers verifying:
>   bondings: arp related fields
>   boot_types: label uniqueness and proto inclusion
>   cpus: various fields are set and min values
>   help_sections: presence and uniqueness of fields
>   hosts: presence and format of various fields
>   ip_addresses: fk existance / integrity
>   nics: mac address format
>   permissions: presence / inclusion of various fields
>   pools: type inclusion
>   quotas: minimum values
>   smart_pool_tags: tagged_id / type fk present
>   storage_pools: type, state field inclusion, min values
>   storage_volumes: various fields, subclasses w/ various fields
>   tasks: various fields present and consistensy maintained
>   usages: label, other fields present, unique
>   vms: uuid of correct format, min values, various fields present
>   pools lft and rgt are not verified as they are added by
>   acts_as_nested_set _after_ the pool is inserted into the db

I haven't tested them yet, but after a brief look over the validations 
it seems fine to me.

I can probably bring up a WUI with these in place sometime tomorrow to 
test the validations for components with UI forms -- but we'll have to 
leave it to the test framework to test some of the other fields (host, etc).


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