hdb1 for win/llinux (was: Andrew, Bob, Rick(s), IAK, ...)

Ninux ninux at email.it
Fri Mar 5 11:03:14 UTC 2004

>Or better yet, take back your hdb1 and put it where it belongs.
>You're a grown up now, it's time to stop playing with toys. :-)

I reinstalled again to get a wider /usr!
I took more space from hdb1, but having to reformat again every thing, I was
able to format hdb1 as vfat without a mounting point, so I gave it /opt!

Now it possible to use hdb1 from win2k, but there are folders belongings to
Linux, how can I free hdb1 from these folders, putting them in a ext3?


http://www.vessella.it (italiano, esperanto, kiswahili, english)
http://www.changamano.org (Iniziative di solidarietà per la Tanzania)
http://www.lernado.it (Articoli di quotidiani della Tanzania, Corso di
lingua swahili, Corso di lingua esperanto, Vocabolario esperanto-italiano,
Jifunze lugha ya Kiesperanto, Kamusi ya Kiesperanto)

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