hard disk mount

Bob McClure Jr robertmcclure at earthlink.net
Wed May 26 20:58:29 UTC 2004

On Wed, May 26, 2004 at 01:41:39PM -0700, abdulahad shaikh wrote:
> Hello 
> i have installed linux 9 on 20 gb hdd the partition is
> as follows
> /
> /boot
> /swap  the  first hdd is identified as hda .
> i have connected a new hdd of 6 gb as hdb i
> partitioned with parted and labeld it as data with
> e2label and the fs type as ext2 and made the necessary
> changes in the /etc/fstab.
> and created the  mount point in mnt dir as data and
> tried to mount it says mount point not found.
> the hdd hda is os of ext3 
> have i left out any thing else other than this
> ...plz....thanks 
> abdul ahad

Yes.  You failed in post the relevant lines from your /etc/fstab.

In general, forget about filesystem labels.  They are nearly as evil
as CS (cable select) on hard drives.

Let's say the new partition is /dev/hdb1.  Decide where you want it
mounted.  Say you chose /usr/local/data.  First you must make that

  mkdir /usr/local/data

Then your /etc/fstab entry should be something like

/dev/hdb1     /usr/local/data    ext2    defaults        1 2

Then you can

  mount /dev/hdb1


  mount /usr/local/data


Bob McClure, Jr.             Bobcat Open Systems, Inc.
robertmcclure at earthlink.net  http://www.bobcatos.com
A clean conscience makes a soft pillow.

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