Changing CDRom to CD-ReWriable Recoder

Bob McClure Jr robertmcclure at
Sun Sep 26 19:12:30 UTC 2004

On Sun, Sep 26, 2004 at 02:24:31PM -0400, Chris A Czerwinski wrote:
> Fellow Red Hatters,
> I wish to change my present TOSHIBA - CDROM 
>                          to SONY's - CD-ReWritable Recorder
> My present OS is RedHat 9.
> If I were to swap my CDRom and exchange for the CDRW and
> when I reboot the PC - Will KUDZU prompt me for new hardware? 

It probably will.

> Or will I have to Uninstall my TOSHIBA - CD-ROM, shut down the PC and
> then do the swap and will KUDZU prompt me for new hardware.

No.  It will likely recognize that the Toshiba is gone and ask if it
may "unconfigure" it, before it asks to let it "configure" the Sony.

> What other things am I to do when before swapping CDROM's

Not much of anything that I know of aside from Reading The Fine Manual

especially Chapter 4.

> Chris Cz (still a newbie)

Bob McClure, Jr.             Bobcat Open Systems, Inc.
robertmcclure at
Grace happens.

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