Basic command line input

Bob McClure Jr robertmcclure at
Tue Jan 17 21:24:37 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 01:07:14PM -0800, Albus Dumbledore wrote:
> 	I am trying to learn to run RHW3 from the command line. So far I have
> had limited success, I am sure it is because I am making some sort of
> basic error.
> 	I start by right clicking on the desktop and selecting "New Terminal"
> from the pop up window that appearers. I have selected the command
> "fsck" to try because it seem harmless if it goes arry.  It doesn't work
> but it does return the following error message.
> [albus at localhost albus]$ fsck -C
> bash: fsck: command not found
> [albus at localhost albus]$
> What am I doing wrong?

You are trying to execute a command as your mere mortal self that only
root is allowed to run.  To execute one of those commands you must

  su -
  # then enter the root password

Then you are operating as if you had logged in as root.  NOTE: operate
as root only as long as you must.  Everything else, do as your mere
mortal self.  If you make a mistake as root you can do _great_ damage.

Bob McClure, Jr.             Bobcat Open Systems, Inc.
robertmcclure at
Peace begins not at a Mideast table, but at a Mideast stable

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