Waaay OT

Andrew Kelly akelly at corisweb.org
Tue Jan 23 14:16:27 UTC 2007

Hi all,

please, forgive the OT nature of this mail, I realize it has nothing to
do with RH. 
I've been googling an apparent rarity and having little luck, and
thought I'd try you all in a hail Mary pass. Perhaps one of you is
Apache guru enough to lend a hand.

My problem is, using Mod Rewrite, how do I access payloads? I'd love
access to POST variables as well, of course, but right now what I
primarily want to know is how can I catch the contents of a GET string
to use in a RewriteCond.


I have a calling URI of

I want to redirect based on the value of a variable.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{GET_VARS} var2=value2
RewriteRule ^/$	http://new.domain.name/path [R,L]

Does anybody know the real code to make this happen?

Any help VERY much appreciated.


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