[Spacewalk-list] Missing packages when trying out kickstarts for Centos 5.2

Adrián Márques amarques at geocom.com.uy
Tue Nov 4 19:43:41 UTC 2008

Hello there,

I'm trying out kickstarting CentOS 5.2 systems.
So far I've created the base channel, pushed the distro's rpms into it, 
uploaded the kickstart tree (if make-ks-tree reported any errors, I 
didn't see them, everything seemed fine) and created a new kickstart 
profile associated to said channel and tree.

I'm writing because I'm getting the following message in the profile's 
detail page:

"This kickstart profile uses a base channel that is missing packages. In 
order for all kickstart functionality to work correctly, the following 
packages should be present in this kickstart's base channel: pyOpenSSL, 
rhnlib, libxml2-python, rhn-kickstart*."

Now, I've checked and double checked and both pyOpenSSL and 
libxml2-python happen to be in the ks's base channel. The rhn* packages 
are not, and they are not included in base CentOS distributions. Due to 
another problem I had, I saw that rhnlib seems to be in the spacewalk 
repo, so I figured I can get it from there (and that in fact I should 
get all client-related spacewalk packages), but what about 
rhn-kickstart? where should I pick that from? and why is spacewalk 
complaining about the packages that are in fact there?

Any tips would be highly appreciated.



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