[Spacewalk-list] rhnpush error -> ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriateservice handler found

Santi Saez santi at hostalia.com
Tue Oct 28 19:12:38 UTC 2008

On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 18:51:00 +0100, Santi Saez <santi at hostalia.com> wrote:

> RHN 26118 2008/10/28 18:44:54 +02:00: ("DATABASE CONNECTION TO 'xe'
> LOST", "Exception information: 'NoneType' object has no attribute
> 'cursor'")
> RHN 26118 2008/10/28 18:44:54 +02:00: ('Connection attempt failed',
> 12519, 'ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found\n')

Re-starting rhn-satellite and oracle-xe services problem has been solved

But I get similar error when trying to pust a full directory (CentOS 5 base

# rhnpush --force -vvv --channel=centos5-base-x86
--server=http://localhost/APP --dir=/root/CentOS/

Waiting 3 seconds and trying again...
Uploading package /root/CentOS/libgcj-src-4.1.2-42.el5.i386.rpm
Using POST request
Package /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++- Not Found
on RHN Server -- Uploading
Uploading package /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++-
Using POST request
Internal server error 500 Internal Server Error
Error pushing /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++-
Error 500 (500)
Waiting 3 seconds and trying again...
Uploading package /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++-
Using POST request
Internal server error 500 Internal Server Error
Error pushing /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++-
Error 500 (500)
Waiting 3 seconds and trying again...
Uploading package /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++-
Using POST request
Internal server error 500 Internal Server Error
Error pushing /root/CentOS/ImageMagick-c++-
Error 500 (500)
Waiting 5 seconds and trying again...
Giving up after 3 attempts


And Apache error_log I get the same error:


RHN 14097 2008/10/28 20:08:59 +02:00: ('Unhandled exception',)
RHN 14099 2008/10/28 20:09:03 +02:00: ('Connection attempt failed', 12519,
'ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler found\n')
Exception reported from spacewalk.example.net
Time: Tue Oct 28 20:09:03 2008
Exception type server.rhnSQL.sql_base.SQLConnectError
Exception while handling function upload_server._wrapper
Request object information:
Remote Host:
Server Name: spacewalk.example.net:0
Headers passed in:
        Accept-Encoding: identity
        Content-Length: 153894
        Content-Type: application/x-rpm
        Host: localhost
        User-Agent: rhnpush
        X-RHN-Upload-Auth-Session: 41x2d0c36b7d1a9bd86a056d3351187ea72
        X-RHN-Upload-File-MD5sum: 0b1ad3ce7c8706bfafbdc0ec1ef71b79
        X-RHN-Upload-Force: 1
        X-RHN-Upload-Package-Arch: i386
        X-RHN-Upload-Package-Name: ImageMagick-c++
        X-RHN-Upload-Package-Release: 4.el5_1.1
        X-RHN-Upload-Packaging: rpm

Exception Handler Information
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/apacheUploadServer.py", line 107, in _wrapper
    ret = function(req)
"/usr/share/rhn/upload_server/handlers/package_push/package_push.py", line
70, in headerParserHandler
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/rhnSQL/__init__.py", line 70, in initDB
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/rhnSQL/__init__.py", line 48, in __init__DB
  File "/usr/share/rhn/server/rhnSQL/int_oracle.py", line 324, in connect
    raise apply(sql_base.SQLConnectError, err_args)
SQLConnectError: (12519, 'ORA-12519: TNS:no appropriate service handler
found\n', 'xe', 'Connection_Connect(): server attach')

RHN 14099 2008/10/28 20:09:03 +02:00: ('Unhandled exception',)

What maybe the problem? thanks!


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