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Red Hat Training is pleased to announce the availability of a pair of new courses that have been substantially updated for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. JBoss Application Administration I (JB248) and JBoss Enterprise Application Development (JB225) demonstrate best practices in the administration and development of applications on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.

JBoss Application Administration I teaches system administrators essential, real-world skills for effectively deploying and managing applications on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. This course is ideal for those either new to JBoss or transitioning to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 from previous versions. This course is a replacement for the popular JBoss Enterprise Application Development (JB336) course. Key topics include:

  • Configuration with the new Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Management with the new Admin Console
  • Software deployment using a variety of available methods
  • Provisioning and configuring Hosts and Servers using the new Domain model
  • Clustering in both Standalone and Domain mode
  • Details on the new configuration process, using a single XML file
  • Migrating applications previously designed for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 5 to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
  • Securing applications and defining security domains

In addition to a comprehensive JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 overview, JBoss Application Administration I helps prepare students for the JBoss Certified Application Administrator (JBCAA) exam (EX248). By passing the exam, an IT professional earns JBCAA certification for demonstrating the skills and knowledge to install, configure, monitor, manage and deploy applications to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.

JBoss Enterprise Application Development (JB225) uses lectures and extensive use-case, hands-on labs to teach mid-level Java™ developers to create, test and maintain Java EE-compliant applications the JBoss way. Students will learn multiple related technologies for designing, coding and testing secure multi-tier enterprise applications, including CDI, Arquillian, JBoss Hibernate®, RESTEasy and HornetQ. This course also teaches developers essential administration tasks, interfaces and deployment models. Some of the new and updated topics include:

  • Developer administration tasks for JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6
  • Introduction to JBoss Developer Studio 5
  • Contexts and dependency injection (CDI)
  • Unit and integration testing with JUnit, Arquillian, and Selenium
  • Developing session beans with EJB 3.1
  • Developing entity beans with JPA 2.0 and Hibernate
  • Developing RESTful and SOAP web services with JAX-WS and RESTEasy
  • Developing asynchronous messaging applications with message driven beans using HornetQ
  • Creating standard and rich web applications using JSF 2 and RichFaces
  • Securing applications using the models provided by JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

Learn more about JBoss Application Administration I, JBoss Certified Application Administrator and JBoss Enterprise Application Development.

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