[almighty] Ensuring Production-like Environments

Pete Muir pmuir at redhat.com
Wed Nov 2 20:59:42 UTC 2016

Adding Kev, Rob and Diogenes as they are also working on these sorts
of issues. Also Clayton as he and I have discussed this many times and
have a conceptual understanding of how to resolve at least... ;-)

On 2 November 2016 at 05:00, Tomas Nozicka <tnozicka at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Út, 2016-11-01 at 14:24 -0400, Andrew Lee Rubinger wrote:
>> The general premise we need to get to is:
>> every environment as close to production as possible."
>> With containers we're now closer than we've been before to doing development, testing, builds, and pre-production deployments in a production-like environment.
> yes, it should be a standard since we have containers :)
>> The naive approach we could take looks like a single base image to be used across the board for online IDE development, testing, executing integration tests in the pipeline, deploying to pre-production, and production.  For instance, we may associate an EAP codebase with a centos-eap base image that's used throughout Eclipse Che and the various OpenShift deployments for testing and poking around during development.  The differences between this and production may be limited to externalizable sysprops, environment variables, persistent volume mounts, etc.
> Having a single image for dev, build, pipeline and prodution would result
> in bloated image for prod which we probably don't want. And e.g. pipelines
> right now require special image (with jenkins slave packages)
> so that would not work there. (But pipelines can use some common image for build.)

Agreed. This was an early problem with OpenShift s2i that I believe is
being fixed.

We need builder images that create runtime images. I know that we have
patterns from OpenShift and the MW cloud enablement team that we can
copy here.

>> But the problem has nuance.  I'd like us to arrive at a proposal for how we associate a "runtime" with a codebase.  Some questions to address:
>> 1) A Git repository (Almighty "codebase") may have N target runtimes contained within.
> yes, and these runtimes should be part of ConfigMaps
>   http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/configmap/
> and other types for this task like secrets, which are separate yaml
> files and the application definition stays the same across all
> environments

This requires some patterns. Here I think that the kompose work is
particuarly important, as well as the Che support for importing
compose based definitions.

How do we plan to support this in the build and test phases? That I'm
not sure about.

>> 2) Che "receipes" (images) require root or sudo access, plus other tools[1].  Does that mean we have to make an "IDE" image that extends from our base image?  We can't have the container (OS-level) user executing our servers/frameworks running as root.
> Any image that runs as root *won't* be allowed to run on OpenShift,
> especially on Online! There is an option to allow it but inherently
> this means a *security breach*, so don't expect it in any non test
> installation!

The root problem is specific to Che, and requires the Che to
rearchitect/fix the parts of Che that require root. They are already
working on this and Mario did a call today to present where they are
at - he can post the recording. This is part of a broader challenge
they have to make Che run on an unmodified (i.e. secured) OpenShift.
They are making good progress, they have workspaces running in Pods,
but otherwise still require the Docker API and root for quite a bit.

The tools thing is part of a wider problem that requires some
significant R&D. As an example, this problem exists for Jenkins slaves
as well - ideally they need to be able to execute a java agent on any
image you can get from docker hub. And not just on a Java based image,
you need to do this on a Node image or a Go image as well. We
basically need a way to "inject" a Java based tool in to any image and
have it run without problems.

I suspect this is a good challenge for the Che team to take on after
they fix the "root problem", but interested in Mario's thoughts here.

> (There are user namespaces for some time in Docker to solve this
> security issue, but I have not seen any progress on supporting them in
> OpenShift yet.)

namespaces are coming in OpenShift AIUI.

>> 3) Is it reasonable to assume that we can use the same image to build
> the application as we would to run it?
> I don't think so, although for simplicity and a lack of proper tooling,
> people often skip this issue and use the same image. There should
> generally be 2 images, with the exception of non-compiled languages,
> one for build and other for runtime to separate build and runtime
> dependencies. And finally, OpenShift S2I now supports this "2-phase
> builds"!

I think for builds this makes sense (there is a linear mapping between
a build system and the runtime) but I do think we need to solve this
more generically for the case of arbitrary tools - but this is, like I
say, a long term thing.

>> Or that the image used to build extends from the image to run?  For
> instance, EAP applications need the JDK to run, but additionally need
> Maven to build.
> I would say this may work for JDK/Maven and many others, but ain't
> generally true. I could thing of an image that needs some components
> for runtime that are not needed for build.

I think that builder images are a better pattern, and certainly one
adopted by others.

>> Appreciate thoughts on what we think the relationship is between the WebIDE, Build, and Runtime images, and additionally how those map to an Almighty codebase.  Mission: how can we unify these from the perspective of a user such that a user chooses the runtime set once and it's consistent throughout environments?
>> "It works on my machine" needs to be a thing of the past (except for sysprops, env vars, persistent volumes, etc which are inevitable).
> +1
>> S,
>> ALR
>> [1] https://eclipse-che.readme.io/docs/recipes
>> --
>> Red Hat Developer Group Architecture
>> @ALRubinger
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