[augeas-devel] Re: Sudoers lens

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 20:39:54 UTC 2008

Food for thought/test, since it is not clear in the sudoers manual (but I'm
sure it is currently wrong in the lens I wrote today):

What is the correct representation of
/bin/cmd2, (RUNAS3) /bin/cmd3 : NET3 = CMD


I can go as far as representing it as
{ "spec"
    { "user" = "USER" }
    { "host_group"
        { "host" = "NET1" }
        { "host" = "NET2" }
        { "runas_group"
            { "runas_user" = "RUNAS1" }
            { "runas_user" = "RUNAS2" }
            { "tag" = "NOPASSWD"
                { "tag" = "EXEC"
                    { "command" = "/bin/cmd1" } } }
            { "tag" = "NOEXEC"
                { "command" = "/bin/cmd2" } }
        { "runas_group"
            { "runas_user" = "RUNAS3"
                { "command" = "/bin/cmd3" } } } }
    { "host_group"
        { "host" = "NET3" }
            { "command" = "CMD" } } }

Now now... that's very tricky. Here are a few comments:
* commands can appear at a lot of different levels... I think it would be
better if I could list commands on top and have all the rest be properties
of commands, but I'm afraid I can't do that currently with augeas since I
can't remember a value parsed beforehand.
* I'm not even sure this is correct. The manpages are very good, but I can't
tell if this is right. It may well be that NOPASSWD is kept for /bin/cmd2,
and even for CMD. I have no idea!

Any thoughts on this? Any sudo expert around?


On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 7:07 PM, Raphaël Pinson <raphink at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I've been trying to have a look at a lens for sudoers. I expected it to be
> challenging, and so it is. Thankfully, man sudoers is one of the best
> conffile docs ever.
> Here is the code I have so far. It has a few major problems:
> * augparse takes a few seconds to check it
> * it doesn't support "\" to continue a line. This is the biggest issue, and
> I have no idea how to fix that in augeas.
> sudoers.aug :
> =========================================================
> (* Sudoers module for Augeas                  *)
> (* Author: Raphael Pinson <raphink at gmail.com> *)
> (*                                            *)
> (* Reference: `man sudoers`                   *)
> module Sudoers =
>   autoload xfm
>     (* Define useful shortcuts *)
>     let eol       = del /[ \t]*\n/ "\n"
>     (* Define separators *)
>     let sep_com = del /[ \t]*,[ \t]*/ ", "
>     let sep_eq  = del /[ \t]*=[ \t]*/ " = "
>     let sep_spc = del /[ \t]+/ " "
>     let sep_col = del /[ \t]*:[ \t]*/ " : "
>     (* Define fields *)
>     (* sto_to_com does not begin or end with a space *)
>     let sto_to_com_cmnd = store /([^,=:#() \t\n][^,=:#()\n]*[^,=:#()
> \t\n])|[^,=:#() \t\n]/
>     let sto_to_com      = store /[^,=:#() \t\n]+/
>     let sto_to_com_user = store ( /[^,=:#() \t\n]+/ -
> /(User|Runas|Host|Cmnd)_Alias|Defaults/ )
>     let sto_to_eq  = store /[^,=:#() \t\n]+/
>     let sto_to_spc = store /[^() \t\n]+/
>     (* define comments and empty lines *)
>     let comment =
>         let value_to_eol = del /[ \t]*/ " " . store /([^ \t\n].*[^ \t\n]|[^
> \t\n])/ in
>         [ label "comment" . del /[ \t]*#/ "# " .  value_to_eol? . eol ]
>     let empty   = [ del /[ \t]*\n/ "" ]
>     (* define aliases *)
>     (* General definitions *)
>     let alias_field (kw:string) (sto:lens) = [ label kw . sto ]
>     let alias_list  (kw:string) (sto:lens) = alias_field kw sto . ( sep_com
> . alias_field kw sto )*
>     let alias_entry (kw:string) (field:string) (sto:lens) = [ key kw .
> sep_spc . sto_to_eq . sep_eq . alias_list field sto . eol ]
>     (* TODO: go further in user definitions *)
>     let user_alias  = alias_entry "User_Alias" "user" sto_to_com
>     let runas_alias = alias_entry "Runas_Alias" "runas_user" sto_to_com
>     let host_alias  = alias_entry "Host_Alias" "host" sto_to_com
>     let cmnd_alias  = alias_entry "Cmnd_Alias" "command" sto_to_com_cmnd
>     let alias = user_alias | runas_alias | host_alias | cmnd_alias
>     (* define defaults *)
>     let default_type     =
>         let value = store /(@|:|>)[^ \t\n]+/ in
>         [ label "type" . value ]
>     let parameter        = [ label "parameter" . sto_to_com ]
>     let parameter_list   = parameter . ( sep_com . parameter )*
>     let defaults = [ key "Defaults" . default_type? . sep_spc .
> parameter_list . eol ]
>     (* define spec *)
>     let runas_spec = Util.del_str "(" . alias_list "runas_user" sto_to_com
> . Util.del_str ")" . sep_spc
>     let tag_spec   = [ label "tag" . store /(NO)?(PASSWD|EXEC|SETENV)/ .
> Util.del_str ":" ] . sep_spc
>     let cmnd       = sto_to_com
>     let cmnd_spec  = [ label "command" .  runas_spec? . tag_spec* . cmnd ]
>     let cmnd_spec_list = cmnd_spec . ( sep_com . cmnd_spec )*
>     let spec_list = [ seq "list" . alias_list "host" sto_to_com . sep_eq .
> cmnd_spec_list ]
>     let spec = [ label "spec" . counter "list"
>                               . alias_list "user" sto_to_com_user . sep_spc
>                               . spec_list
>                               . ( sep_col . spec_list )* . eol ]
>     let lns = ( empty | comment | alias | defaults | spec  )*
>     let filter = (incl "/etc/sudoers")
>         . Util.stdexcl
>     let xfm = transform lns filter
> =========================================================
> test_sudoers.aug
> =========================================================
> module Test_sudoers =
>    let conf = "
> Host_Alias LOCALNET =, localhost
> # User alias specification
> # Cmnd alias specification
> Cmnd_Alias DEBIAN_TOOLS = /usr/bin/apt-get, /usr/bin/auto-get,
> /usr/bin/dpkg, /usr/bin/dselect, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure
> Cmnd_Alias PBUILDER = /usr/sbin/pbuilder
> Cmnd_Alias ICAL = /bin/cat /home/rpinson/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics
> Defaults at LOCALNET        !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn
> # User privilege specification
> root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
> # Members of the admin group may gain root privileges
> www-data ALL=(rpinson) NOEXEC: ICAL : localhost = NOPASSWD:
> /usr/bin/test
> "
>    test Sudoers.lns get conf =
>       {}
>       { "Host_Alias" = "LOCALNET"
>           { "host" = "" }
>           { "host" = "localhost" } }
>       {}
>       { "comment" = "User alias specification" }
>       {}
>       { "comment" = "Cmnd alias specification" }
>       {}
>       { "Cmnd_Alias" = "DEBIAN_TOOLS"
>           { "command" = "/usr/bin/apt-get" }
>           { "command" = "/usr/bin/auto-get" }
>           { "command" = "/usr/bin/dpkg" }
>           { "command" = "/usr/bin/dselect" }
>           { "command" = "/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure" } }
>       {}
>       { "Cmnd_Alias" = "PBUILDER"
>           { "command" = "/usr/sbin/pbuilder" } }
>       {}
>       { "Cmnd_Alias" = "ICAL"
>           { "command" = "/bin/cat
> /home/rpinson/.kde/share/apps/korganizer/std.ics" } }
>       {}
>       { "Defaults"
>           { "type"      = "@LOCALNET" }
>           { "parameter" = "!lecture" }
>           { "parameter" = "tty_tickets" }
>           { "parameter" = "!fqdn" } }
>       {}
>       { "comment" = "User privilege specification" }
>       { "spec"
>           { "user" = "root" }
>           { "1"
>               { "host" = "ALL" }
>               { "command" = "ALL"
>                   { "runas_user"  = "ALL" } } } }
>       {}
>       { "comment" = "Members of the admin group may gain root privileges" }
>       { "spec"
>           { "user"    = "%admin" }
>           { "1"
>               { "host" = "ALL" }
>               { "command" = "ALL"
>                   { "runas_user" = "ALL" } }
>               { "command" = "DEBIAN_TOOLS"
>                   { "tag"  = "NOPASSWD" } } } }
>       { "spec"
>           { "user"    = "%pbuilder" }
>           { "1"
>               { "host" = "LOCALNET" }
>               { "command" = "PBUILDER"
>                   { "tag" = "NOPASSWD" } } } }
>       { "spec"
>           { "user"    = "www-data" }
>           { "1"
>               { "host" = "ALL" }
>               { "command" = "ICAL"
>                   { "runas_user" = "rpinson" }
>                   { "tag" = "NOEXEC" } } }
>           { "2"
>               { "host" = "localhost" }
>               { "command" = "/usr/bin/test"
>                   { "tag" = "NOPASSWD" } } } }
> =========================================================
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