[augeas-devel] Help with cobbler lens

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Thu Dec 17 16:24:47 UTC 2009

I took a first cut at a cobblersettings lens. You can see it at [1]. It 
is meant to parse cobbler settings files [2] which is a basic YAML 1.0 
syntax. It parses fine, but I am having issues saving a nested 
structure. This is the error I see:

augtool> save
Saving failed
augtool> get /augeas/files/etc/cobbler/settings/error/message
/augeas/files/etc/cobbler/settings/error/message = Failed to match
     { /value/ = /[^\001-\004\t\n 
#:@]+|\"[^\001-\004\n\"]*\"|'[^\001-\004\n']*'/ }({ /value/ = 
/[^\001-\004\t\n #:@]+|\"[^\001-\004\n\"]*\"|'[^\001-\004\n']*'/ })*
   with tree
     { "ksdevice" = "bootif" } { "lang" = "' '" } { "text" = "~" }

I believe the issue is around the fact that for simple key values,

A: B

and nested key/values

   A: B

Are only differentiated by the indentation. Any hints on what I should 
look at?

-- bk

[1] http://bkearney.fedorapeople.org/cobblersettings.aug
[2] http://bkearney.fedorapeople.org/settings

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