[augeas-devel] augeas: master - Cgconfig: lens and tests for libcgroup config

David Lutterkort lutter at fedoraproject.org
Thu Feb 11 18:48:48 UTC 2010

Gitweb:        http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/augeas.git?p=augeas.git;a=commitdiff;h=d075fc3c19f8eacbafc0af3bef5c3e2b3f8e46d3
Commit:        d075fc3c19f8eacbafc0af3bef5c3e2b3f8e46d3
Parent:        c9822a13628e72e3ae4f0a63433db5adc18b87ef
Author:        Ivana Hutarova Varekova <varekova at redhat.com>
AuthorDate:    Mon Feb 8 11:38:41 2010 -0800
Committer:     David Lutterkort <lutter at redhat.com>
CommitterDate: Thu Feb 11 10:47:43 2010 -0800

Cgconfig: lens and tests for libcgroup config

See http://libcg.sourceforge.net/
 AUTHORS                              |    1 +
 doc/naturaldocs/conf/lenses/Menu.txt |    1 +
 lenses/cgconfig.aug                  |  119 ++++++++++++++++
 lenses/tests/test_cgconfig.aug       |  255 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/Makefile.am                    |    1 +
 5 files changed, 377 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index d39e506..85f4a62 100644
@@ -26,4 +26,5 @@ Contributions by:
   Satoru SATOH                <satoru.satoh at gmail.com>
   Nahum Shalman               <nshalman elys com>
   Laine Stump                 <laine at laine.org>
+  Ivana Hutarova Varekova     <varekova at redhat.com>
   Dean Wilson                 <dwilson at blueowl.it>
diff --git a/doc/naturaldocs/conf/lenses/Menu.txt b/doc/naturaldocs/conf/lenses/Menu.txt
index ce4c350..ea2d7b7 100644
--- a/doc/naturaldocs/conf/lenses/Menu.txt
+++ b/doc/naturaldocs/conf/lenses/Menu.txt
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Group: Main Site  {
 Group: Specific Modules  {
    File: Build  (build.aug)
+   File: cgconfig  (cgconfig.aug)
    File: Cron  (cron.aug)
    File: Dpkg  (dpkg.aug)
    File: Exports  (exports.aug)
diff --git a/lenses/cgconfig.aug b/lenses/cgconfig.aug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f8a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lenses/cgconfig.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+Module: cgconfig
+    Parses /etc/cgconfig.conf
+    Ivana Hutarova Varekova <varekova at redhat.com>
+    Raphael Pinson          <raphink at gmail.com>
+About: Licence
+    This file is licensed under the LGPLv2+, like the rest of Augeas.
+About: Lens Usage
+    Sample usage of this lens in augtool
+        * print all mounted cgroups
+           print /files/etc/cgconfig.conf/mount
+About: Configuration files
+    This lens applies to /etc/cgconfig.conf. See <filter>.
+ *)
+module Cgconfig =
+   autoload xfm
+   let indent  = Util.indent
+   let eol     = Util.eol
+   let comment = Util.comment
+   let empty   = Util.empty
+   let id        = /[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\/\.]+/
+   let name      = /[^#= \n\t{}\/]+/
+   let cont_name = /(cpuacct|cpu|devices|ns|cpuset|memory|freezer|net_cls)/
+   let role_name = /(admin|task)/
+   let id_name   = /(uid|gid)/
+   let address   = /[^#; \n\t{}]+/
+   let lbracket = del /[ \t\n]*\{/ " {"
+   let rbracket = del /[ \t]*\}/ "}"
+   let eq       = indent . Util.del_str "=" . indent
+ * Function to deal with abc=def; entries
+ ******************************************)
+   let key_value (key_rx:regexp) (val_rx:regexp) =
+     [ indent . key key_rx . eq . store val_rx
+         . indent . Util.del_str ";" ]
+   (* Function to deal with bracketted entries *)
+   let brack_entry_base (lnsa:lens) (lnsb:lens) =
+     [ indent . lnsa . lbracket . lnsb . rbracket ]
+   let brack_entry_key (kw:regexp) (lns:lens) =
+     let lnsa = key kw in
+     brack_entry_base lnsa lns
+   let brack_entry (kw:regexp) (lns:lens) =
+     let full_lns = (lns | comment | empty)* in
+     brack_entry_key kw full_lns
+ * control groups
+ ******************************************)
+   let permission_setting = key_value id_name address
+(* task setting *)
+   let t_info =  brack_entry "task" permission_setting
+(* admin setting *)
+   let a_info =  brack_entry "admin" permission_setting
+(* permissions setting *)
+   let perm_info =
+     let ce = (comment|empty)* in
+     let perm_info_lns = ce .
+       ((t_info . ce . (a_info . ce)?)
+       |(a_info . ce . (t_info . ce)?))? in
+     brack_entry_key "perm" perm_info_lns
+   let variable_setting = key_value name address
+(* controllers setting *)
+   let controller_info =
+     let lnsa = label "controller" . store cont_name in
+     let lnsb = ( variable_setting | comment | empty ) * in
+     brack_entry_base lnsa lnsb
+(* group { ... } *)
+   let group_data  =
+     let lnsa = key "group" . indent . store id in
+     let lnsb = ( perm_info | controller_info | comment | empty )* in
+     brack_entry_base lnsa lnsb
+ * mount point
+ *************************************************)
+(* controller = mount_point; *)
+   let mount_point = key_value name address
+(* mount { .... } *)
+   let mount_data = brack_entry "mount" mount_point
+ * namespace
+ ****************************************************)
+(* controller = cgroup; *)
+   let namespace_instance = key_value name address
+(* namespace { .... } *)
+   let namespace = brack_entry "namespace" namespace_instance
+   let lns =  ( comment | empty | mount_data | group_data | namespace )*
+   let xfm = transform lns (incl "/etc/cgconfig.conf")
diff --git a/lenses/tests/test_cgconfig.aug b/lenses/tests/test_cgconfig.aug
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c2f45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lenses/tests/test_cgconfig.aug
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+module Test_cgconfig =
+let conf="#cgconfig test cofiguration file
+mount { 123 = 456; 456 = 789;}
+test Cgconfig.lns get conf =
+  { "#comment" = "cgconfig test cofiguration file" }
+  { "mount"
+      { "123" = "456" }
+      { "456" = "789" } }
+  {}
+(* white spaces before mount sign *)
+let conf2="
+ mount { 123 = 456;}
+    mount { 123 = 456;}
+mount { 123 = 456;}mount { 123 = 456;}
+test Cgconfig.lns get conf2 =
+  { }
+  { "mount" { "123" = "456"} }
+  { }
+  { "mount" { "123" = "456"} }
+  { }
+  { }
+  { "mount" { "123" = "456"} }
+  { "mount" { "123"  = "456" } }
+  { }
+let conf3="#cgconfig test cofiguration file
+mount { 123 = 456;
+ 456 = 789;}
+test Cgconfig.lns get conf3 =
+  { "#comment" = "cgconfig test cofiguration file" }
+  { "mount"
+    { "123" = "456" }
+    {}
+    { "#comment" = "eswkh" }
+    { "456" = "789" } }
+  {}
+let conf4="#cgconfig test cofiguration file
+mount {
+123 = 456;1245=456;
+mount { 323=324;}mount{324=5343;  }# this is a comment
+test Cgconfig.lns get conf4 =
+  {"#comment" = "cgconfig test cofiguration file" }
+  {"mount"
+     {  }
+     { "123" = "456"}
+     { "1245" = "456" }
+     {  }}
+  { }
+  { "mount" { "323" = "324" } }
+  { "mount" { "324" = "5343" } }
+  { "#comment" = "this is a comment" }
+let group1="
+group user {
+	cpuacct {
+      lll = jjj;
+	}
+	cpu {
+	}
+test Cgconfig.lns get group1 =
+  {  }
+  { "group" = "user"
+    {  }
+    { "controller" = "cpuacct"
+      {  }
+      { "lll" = "jjj" }
+      {  } }
+    {  }
+    { "controller" = "cpu" {  } }
+    {  } }
+let group2="
+group aa{
+     perm {
+		 task { }
+		 admin { }
+      }
+test Cgconfig.lns get group2 =
+  {  }
+  { "group" = "aa"
+    {  }
+    { "perm"
+      {  }
+      { "task" }
+      {  }
+      { "admin" }
+      {  } }
+    {  } }
+let group3 ="
+group xx/www {
+ perm {
+	task {
+		gid = root;
+		uid = root;
+	}
+	admin {
+		gid = aaa;
+# no aaa
+		uid = aaa;
+	}
+test Cgconfig.lns get group3 =
+  {  }
+  { "group" = "xx/www"
+    {  }
+    { "perm"
+      {  }
+      { "task"
+        {  }
+        { "gid" = "root" }
+        {  }
+        { "uid" = "root" }
+        {  } }
+      {  }
+      { "admin"
+        {  }
+        { "gid" = "aaa" }
+        {  }
+        { "#comment" = "no aaa" }
+        { "uid" = "aaa" }
+        {  } }
+      {  } }
+    {  } }
+  {  }
+let group4 ="
+#group daemons {
+#           cpuacct{
+#           }
+group daemons/ftp {
+                     cpuacct{
+                                          }
+   group daemons/www {
+        perm {
+                task {
+                        uid = root;
+                        gid = root;
+                }
+                admin {
+                        uid = root;
+                        gid = root;
+                }
+        }
+#       cpu {
+#               cpu.shares = 1000;
+#       }
+  mount {
+       devices = /mnt/cgroups/devices;cpuacct = /mnt/cgroups/cpuset;
+        cpuset = /mnt/cgroups/cpuset;
+        cpu = /mnt/cpu;
+#        cpuset = /mnt/cgroups/cpuset2;
+mount   {
+devices = /mnt/cgroups/devices;
+#       cpuacct = /mnt/cgroups/cpuacct;
+        ns = /mnt/cgroups/ns;
+test Cgconfig.lns get group4 =
+  {  }
+  { "#comment" = "group daemons {" }
+  { "#comment" = "cpuacct{" }
+  { "#comment" = "}" }
+  { "#comment" = "}" }
+  {  }
+  { "group" = "daemons/ftp"
+    {  }
+    { "controller" = "cpuacct" {  } }
+    {  } }
+  {  }
+  {  }
+  { "group" = "daemons/www"
+    {  }
+    { "perm"
+      {  }
+      { "task"
+        {  }
+        { "uid" = "root" }
+        {  }
+        { "gid" = "root" }
+        {  } }
+      {  }
+      { "admin"
+        {  }
+        { "uid" = "root" }
+        {  }
+        { "gid" = "root" }
+        {  } }
+      {  } }
+    {  }
+    { "#comment" = "cpu {" }
+    { "#comment" = "cpu.shares = 1000;" }
+    { "#comment" = "}" } }
+  {  }
+  {  }
+  {  }
+  {  }
+  { "mount"
+    {  }
+    { "devices" = "/mnt/cgroups/devices" }
+    { "cpuacct" = "/mnt/cgroups/cpuset" }
+    {  }
+    { "cpuset" = "/mnt/cgroups/cpuset" }
+    {  }
+    {  }
+    {  }
+    { "cpu" = "/mnt/cpu" }
+    {  }
+    { "#comment" = "cpuset = /mnt/cgroups/cpuset2;" } }
+  {  }
+  { "mount"
+    {  }
+    { "devices" = "/mnt/cgroups/devices" }
+    {  }
+    { "#comment" = "cpuacct = /mnt/cgroups/cpuacct;" }
+    { "ns" = "/mnt/cgroups/ns" }
+    {  }
+    {  } }
+  {  }
+  {  }
diff --git a/tests/Makefile.am b/tests/Makefile.am
index bc8e13a..c74b9e6 100644
--- a/tests/Makefile.am
+++ b/tests/Makefile.am
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ lens_tests =			\
   lens-aptpreferences.sh	\
   lens-aptsource.sh		\
   lens-bbhosts.sh		\
+  lens-cgconfig.sh      \
   lens-cobblersettings.sh	\
   lens-cobblermodules.sh	\
   lens-cron.sh			\

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