Secondary architectures and marketing

Oliver Falk oliver at
Tue Jan 13 09:07:16 UTC 2009

Jay Estabrook wrote:
> Matt Turner wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Oliver Falk <oliver at> wrote:
>>>> Jay Estabrook mentioned to me that he just got xulrunner to compile
>>>> again, but only with -O0. If this was ever an issue with Gentoo, it's
>>>> long since fixed.
>>> -O0 is already gone with the latest build (it's -O2 now). We now only have
>>> --no-relax, passed to the linker.
>> Which obviously isn't the point.
>> It took time and effort to do something that was already done
>> elsewhere. By the way, this is also the exact solution used for some
>> time on Gentoo.
> And was the solution made (truly) public? Where?
> Duplicated effort, true, but why WAS it duplicated?
> Sure, I read about some custom xulrunner compiles under Debian with
> relax and such, but nothing "dpkg'ed", and nothing from Gentoo; ie,
> nothing definitive from anywhere.
> I confess, I'm as guilty as others; Fedora/Alpha has had (mostly) working
> Xserver 1.4.99+ since November, and the patches have gone nowhere else,
> AFAIK...

That's not really true Jay. The packages are at buildsys in koji. 
Everyone could have looked at it. But it's true, that there was no 
official: Hey, guys look what patches we have, that might also help 
*you* (Debian, Gentoo, ...).

>>>> It's a hard question Oliver, but don't you feel that it might be better
>>>> for the architecture to join up efforts on one distribution?
> I think this is the crux: "one distribution".
> Who will pick it?
> Regardless of which, Alpha will lose because of "it".
> Folks develop where they are comfortable and "know the ropes".


> Asking me, born/bred on RH since 2.1 (and that's NOT Fedora Core 2 :-),
> to become comfortable enough with the Debian and/or Gentoo
> "ropes", would be counter-productive, AT THIS POINT.
> In the future, if there is finally only one Alpha distro standing, folks
> still interested to develop for Alpha will have to make their own decision
> on the changeover effort they are willing to pay.
>> Please justify Fedora/Alpha.
> Justifying any distro to be "the one", is, IMHO, a waste of time.
> What would be better, again IMHO, would be an Alpha "clearinghouse",
> where potentially common issues that ALL Alpha distros may face would be
> able to be discussed and solved AND TOSE SOLUTIONS MADE PUBLIC.

There are a few options from my side:

> Initially, there was a linux-alpha KML from "vger" that played the
> part, at least with kernel-related stuff, but it's long dead, AFAIK.
> I thought that axp-list had become a good bit more distro-agnostic of late,
> but it's now glaring obvious that it hasn't, or at least not enough, for
> whatever reason(s).
> Perhaps resurrecting and its forums would work?

You mean, I guess?


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