Trouble booting UP2000+

Matt Turner mattst88 at
Sun May 17 19:08:50 UTC 2009

Thanks for the responses.

Peter Petrakis lent a hand and explained how to to reflash the SRM,
the process being
1) Created a debug cable
2) Loading SROM
3) Loading the debug monitor (in EBSDK) over the debug line
4) Debug monitor (available on COM1) allows you to load SRM over the serial line
5) Once in SRM, you can reflash the SRM onto the board from a floppy disk

Thus far, I have created my cable and am able to get into SROM. Using
the 'xm' and 'xb' commands (documented in the SROM mini-debugger guide
[0]) I should be able to start the debug monitor.

I do
SROM> xm
A> 300000  ! default address
D> [size of the file in bytes in hex]
and then transfer the file over the debug cable.

In EBSDK there is ebsdk/ebboot/dp264/dp264dbm.{cmp,hex,img,rom,sr}. I
have tried loading the .cmp, .rom, and .img files. The img file
finishes transferring and the SROM> prompt returns, but with the rom
and cmp files the SROM> prompt does not appear again, as if waiting
for more input. (I try to use the .cmp file because it is shown being
used twice in the SROM guide)

With the rom and img files, I can send a break and get the SROM>
prompt again. From here, regardless of which image I have loaded,
running the 'xb' command it prints '.06' and hangs. I think further
output is supposed to go over COM1, so I watch it on another serial
cable, but nothing ever happens. I even tried the test programs like
'hello', 'regtest', etc; None does anything other than printing '.06'
to SROM.

I'm waiting to receive an MMJ->serial adapter. Once I get it, I can
try on my LX and see what should happen. The UP2000+ could be bad,
after all.

Again, I'm pretty stumped. What should I try next?


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