msnlib download?

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at
Sat Jul 24 21:37:49 UTC 2004

It shouldn't be that difficult.
Just go to
If you have an email client that allows you to go to the url you should be 
able to do it right from your email.
Choose  either  the link that says "here" and mentions  tar.bz2 or the 
one that says targz.
If using lynx the cat, be sure to use "d" for download or it apparently 
puts you in the file or something and you have to do ctrl-c to get out, 
but as long as you hit "d" instead of enter it's no problem.
In links the chain, hitting enter give you the "save" option and hitting 
enter on that will download it.


"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

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