SF mirrors

Tony Baechler tony at baechler.net
Tue Apr 26 07:06:12 UTC 2005

Hi.  I did all of the above, just as you outlined.  I tried several times 
with different mirrors.  At step 3, pressing "d" or following the link 
results in a 302 redirect back to the mirror selection page.  If a mirror 
is not working, this is not indicated anywhere that I can tell.  I have no 
problem resolving the domain name and connecting, it just won't let me 
download anything.  Thanks anyway.  I was thinking maybe they changed 
something in their layout somehow that I missed.

At 11:14 AM 4/25/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>Usually, the sequence is something like:
>1.)     Identify the file to download and activate the link;
>2.)     Select the mirror to use. Note that there are two links per
>mirror, one about the mirror and the other a pointer to the actual
>download at that mirror. You must choose the second of these two..
>3.)     You'll be sent to a redirect which usually stops lynx.
>Activating the link, or just pressing 'd' for download in lynx, usually
>brings the file down.

Tony Baechler
Maintainer, goldenaudio.net (TM) online archives

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