Speakup website

T. Joseph CARTER knghtbrd at bluecherry.net
Wed Jan 25 05:04:24 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jan 24, 2006 at 05:41:09PM -0500, Kirk Reiser wrote:
> Well good luck with your package I'm sure there's always room for
> more.  BTW, speakup now has some basic index support in cvs although
> all the drivers for synths have not been modified to support it yet.

I may implement something to use the CVS speakup drivers then, or
implement a stub or something so that a speakup driver can be compiled as
a speech driver for this thing I'm working on (which really does need a
name pretty quickly here I suppose)--unless there is an interface to the
synthesizer I didn't notice when I looked at the patches?  My intent here
is not to use Speakup on the PDA things, but to cooperate with it if you
are using my stuff on a general-purpose Linux box.

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	-- Aristotle

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