daisy-player 1.0

Jos Lemmens jos at jlemmens.nl
Sat May 27 22:08:57 UTC 2006


On my homepage:


you can find version 1.0 of my daisy-player.
This version doesn't need lynx anymore.
Daisy-player only uses madplay to play the audio files.
Daisy-player now can skip forward and backward while playing.
Here is the help-screen to show the keys that can be used:

cursor down     - move cursor to the next item
cursor up       - move cursor to the previous item
cursor right    - skip 3 seconds forward
cursor left     - skip 3 seconds backward
page-down       - view next page
page-up         - view previous page
enter           - Start playing
space           - pause/resume playing
h or ?          - give this help
j               - just play this item
q               - quit daisy-player
s               - stop playing

   Best regards,


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