Multispeech in American English (Was: Oralux repository)

Gilles Casse gcasse at
Sun Oct 8 15:24:06 UTC 2006

krishnakant Mane writes:
 > > Besides en1, a British MBROLA voice, suggested by Multispeech, there
 > > are three other American English voices (us1 us2 us3).
 > can you please give me some guidance as to how I can download and make
 > these voices work with my current installation?

It requires to extend the softwares to American English.
It is not as easy as replacing a mbrola database by another one
because the British and American English phonemes are different. 
Enlex (English lexicon) and Freephone (text-to-phonemes
converter) rely on the British phonemes.

Best regards,



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