alsaplayer and mplayer

Daniel Dalton d.dalton at
Fri Mar 21 22:44:07 UTC 2008

On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Geoff Shang wrote:

> Hi,


> It's possible that mplayer is defaulting to oss.  I might have the wrong

I think it was, however, some tracks seemed to be using alsa...

> syntax here, but according to the manual, the way to use alsa would be:
> mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0,0 <audiofile>
> The example given in the manual is actually
> mplayer -ao alsa:noblock:device=hw=0.3 <audiofile>
> but I'm not sure if the noblock option is needed or desired.

Yep that worked.

> The device hw:x,y is your hardware card number x, device number y.  If you 
> have 1 soundcard with 1 output device then it will be 0,0.  If you want to 
> use your second card,  first device, it will be 1,0.

Thanks for this info, I only have one sound card so
mplayer -ao alsa
worked, but if I ever have more soundcards I'll know how to handle it.
Thanks for explaining that.

> If this works for you, you might want to put it in your .mplayer/config file. 
> Just put whatever follows the "mplayer -" (i.e.
> ao alsa:device=hw=0,0

Yep except don't you need an = sign?
I have one in mine.

> Note that it may well default to 0,0 so using "mplayer -ao alsa" may be 
> sufficient.

It is on my system.

Also who wants to use os these days?
So why do they still have it?

> Good luck,

Thanks for all this info!

Daniel Dalton
d.dalton at

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