any Makefile experts here?

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Mon Jul 4 12:43:26 UTC 2011

I tried writing a patch for a Makefile and discovered syntax is incorrect.  
Make throws a missing separator error on line 515 and refuses to go any 
further when I type make targets.  Could you review the syntax and let me 
know how to correct this?  I found the syntax information using google 

cut here.
@ echo "make all - compile org lisp and documentation"
@ echo "make install - install org"
@ echo "make install-lisp - install org-mode lisp files"
@ echo "make install-info - install org info file"
@ echo "make install-info-debian - install info on old debian systems"
@ echo "newer debian systems use ginstall"
@ echo "make update - start org-mode update process with git pull"
@ echo "make up2 - finish update to org on local system"
@ echo "make compile - compile lisp files"
@ echo "make doc - make documentation"

cut here.

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