[dm-devel] Re: [PATCH RFC 0/3] make priority groups modular and rm ps's HW knowledge

Mike Christie michaelc at cs.wisc.edu
Fri Jun 4 11:37:24 UTC 2004

> 01-sep-pg-from-mpath.patch - move some pg code out of dm-mpath.c. 
> dm-mpath.c still parses some args like how it does of selectors, but 
> there is a new table format:
> num_groups [group-name num_group_args [selector-name num_selector_arg 
> num_paths [path_dev [path args (group args then selector args)]* ]+ ]+ ]+
> The default group is just named "generic" and num_group_args=0.
> 02-sep-pg-from-ps.patch - moves the HW stuff out of the selector. 
> Selector's are once again notified of path status updates throught the 
> update function.
> 03-add-modular-pg.patch - a place to put vendor specific junk. I will 
> resend my FAStT code ported to a priority-group, and seperate new group 
> that should do the failover for HP-storage-works.

Oh yeah, these patches were made against 2.6.7-rc2-udm1.

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