pexepct is in RHEL and should be dropped from EPEL

Robert Scheck robert at
Fri Jan 23 13:55:34 UTC 2009

On Fri, 23 Jan 2009, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> It would be good to document best practises when spec files are reused  
> in RHEL as is going to happen repeatedly so that both sides understand  
> what is to be done. Someone interested in not seeing things like this  
> should volunteer.

Best practise is, if packagers would know, how packaging and ENVRA works -
which seems not known to all packagers (independent whether Fedora or Red
Hat at this case).

My previous e-mail explains correct, why not bumping release of ENVRA is
broken in such a case (which also would automagically cause %changelog to
get silent rpmlint) and why it has to be fixed by Red Hat and why we at
EPEL can't fix or solve it completely. So if somebody does not understand
that, he/she shouldn't be a RPM packager at all, sorry.

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