requirements based on application version

Adam Stokes adam.stokes at
Tue Mar 24 01:33:17 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Michael A. Peters <mpeters at> wrote:
> Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
>> On 03/24/2009 01:38 AM, Adam Stokes wrote:
>>> In my case python 2.4 requires an external package 'python-sqlite2'
>>> for the 2.0 api for sqlite3, whereas python 2.5+ provide this without
>>> the need for that extra requirement.
>>> My question is what is normally done about this when someone has to
>>> provide a package for both fedora(python 2.5+) and epel(python 2.4)?
>>> Is it proper to define this within the spec file?
>> yes of course.
>> if 0%rhel
>> do stuff
>> else
>> do other stuff
>> endif
>> *use proper syntax
> The problem is that then makes the spec files very distro specific.

Since this is very specific to the application I not sure of a better
way to handle this.

> In some cases virtual provides take care of it - making
> requires: language-module
> redundant. The RPM macros will detect that it is required, and take care of
> it - but unfortunately that doesn't always work. It works a lot better in
> recent versions of RPM than it use to though.

I'll look into this virtual provides and see if it meets my needs.
However, I'm assume this is something that would pop up regularly
especially in languages such as python which tends to shift their
modules around every release : (

( adam stokes ) || ( adam.stokes at )

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