Intend to retire Django-1.1 for EPEL5

Matthias Runge mrunge at
Fri Mar 22 09:01:17 UTC 2013

On 03/22/2013 09:36 AM, Christopher Meng wrote:
> All my friends under RHEL5 and derivatives install django from other
> ways.....  1.1 is too old.
well, interesting argument. Do you know, when RHEL5 was released (2007)?
IMHO, if somebody still runs RHEL5, then because there is a requirement
to do so.

Since RHEL versions are long running, I can not guarantee, there's
nobody out there still running Django-1.1

Which version of Django do your friends?
Matthias Runge <mrunge at>
               <mrunge at>

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