Fedora Core 6 splash

Máirín Duffy duffy at redhat.com
Mon Aug 14 04:08:29 UTC 2006

Thomas Canniot wrote:
> THE default wallpaper ? :)
> Would it be possible to have the banner in .xcf format with filters so
> we could translate the text and put it everywhere on the local web
> please?


1) A decision hasn't been made about the default theme elements and I'm 
not sure when that call will be made (but it should be soon as the 
release date is getting closer and closer.) If enough people on this 
list say they like something, though, it will help;

2) The engineers prefer that the wallpapers/theme don't mention the 
release number. This is in case for the release afterwards, if there 
isn't artwork available, the default wallpaper isn't for the old release 
number. :) A wallpaper I did way back for FC3 [1] was rejected for this 
reason :-p The text translation issue is also another good reason to 
avoid release-specific artwork, although does 'Core n' get translated?

I'm curious why you mentioned XCF as a translatable format? Do you have 
experience with this? The artwork is currently in SVG (there is a 
'download' link in deviant art you can grab the SVG from - the link 
doesn't stick out very well :-p) so you might be able to get away with 
doing a sed replace. The text was not turned to paths.


[1] http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/11845570/ hehehehehehe

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