Tangoification and Echo

Joachim Frieben jfrieben at freesurf.fr
Fri Dec 21 14:03:03 UTC 2007

> You're blind if you don't see Echo uglyness...
...                  __        _                ___
> Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek        / _|___ __| |___ _ _ __ _  ( _ )
> Fedora Project              |  _/ -_) _` / _ \ '_/ _` | / _ \
> http://liviopl.jogger.pl/   |_| \___\__,_\___/_| \__,_| \___/

Hadn't the list moderator announced anti-SPAM measures in order to limit the
level on this list to a tolerable level? I feel more and more like
unsubscribing from it ..

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