Fedora 8 Buildup

Jonathan Roberts jonathan.roberts.uk at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 12 18:07:06 UTC 2007

> This is at best currently an experimental idea, and shouldn't be
> promoted as part of F8 build up as a deliverable. If you do talk about
> it at all, you should mention it in passing and call it an
> experimental "Fedora derived" spin, following-up on the success of the
> Fedora Electronics Lab, Desktop and Developer spins that are being
> produced in the Fedora development build process now (so I'm told).
> When you talk about spins focus as much of the discussion on the spins
> which are being generated as part of the development tree now,
> double-check and make sure they actually exist :->.

Oh OK - I'll keep this in mind as I'm putting things together :D

Thanks for the heads up...


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