Nodoka suggestions for Fedora 10

Mark markg85 at
Mon Apr 7 15:01:02 UTC 2008

2008/4/4, Jakub 'Livio' Rusinek <jakub.rusinek at>:
> > Not fast is not an option. Either working fast (and stable) or it is not
>  > acceptable as default. Also, AFAIK, whether the compositing is turned on
>  > or not depends on window manager (in our case metacity), not gtk or even
>  > theme engine.
> Nah... Not true. You can use xcompmgr ;) .

I'm getting very little responses here to improve my mockup.
is there just no interest for it? does fedora even want me to put time in this?

So... i want to improve it further (assuming that's needed) so give
the mockup some critics so that i can improve it!

the motivation to continue with this isn't really high.. i need
feedback on this one!
And if i post it to the devel list i probably only get notices again
that it belongs here (where not a lot of people reply).

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